As an individual in contact with children on a regular basis, you will have an abiding interest in their safety and welfare.  Not all abuse is the same.  This training will help you understand what child abuse is and is not, your responsibility and exposure as a mandatory reporter, how and when it should be reported, and what it happens once a report is made.  It is also a required training for educators and other professionals, including child care providers, to maintain state licensing.

About the instructor

Contract Instructor

Sheila Henderson

Sheila Henderson has been providing training for child care providers in the Portland Metro area for over 25 years.  In addition to Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect, she teaches First Aid/CPR and classes on safety and health related topics for the child care setting.  She has worked as a Program Director in Adult and Child Health Enhancement at Portland’s YMCA Metro Fitness Center and with the American Red Cross Oregon Trail Chapter Health and Safety Services as a Safety Specialist. She graduated from Portland State University with a BS in Physical Education and Health.

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